Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Golly Blogging is tough

A lot has happened, and I'll be the first to say I'm not very good at journaling when things are eventful. So let's see if I can keep this short while simultaneously communicating the amazing things I've been through these last few months.

After snagging Big Bertha for an amazing deal I went up to Idaho to visit my mother and drop off my 5 boxes of storage. Mom was amazing of course and when she went to work during the day I went to work improving my engine performance. When I got Bertha she used 13 mpg freeway. Now she uses 15 mpg , but should be getting 17, so there are still a few more things to do.

Nevertheless, everything under the hood is sound. The next big project was installing the solar. I had already finished the counter and pantry, so I broke it in with a run to the food bank and store. Then packed up quickly and made my way south to Arizona for the first ever Enigmatic Nomadic's Van Build where I got my solar installed, had Bertha checked by a brilliant mechanic (thank you Jeff!), and fell into the arms of one charming Jamie Dimon.

I didn't expect to find a new partner so soon, and I am being pulled in a lot of directions. I'm definitely still in the twitterpated stage. l have no expectations for the future right now; I'm just making it up as I go. I was never planning on traveling with another person, so there is a period of adjustment for that. He is an absolute gentleman, though and I am enjoying my time with him.

Where do I go from here? I'm not sure. The world is beautiful and I could just as easily be lost in a city as in a forest and be equally thrilled. Humanity is fascinating. I am only limited by finances at this point. Even so, some creative dumpster diving will allow me to invest in a lot of fun projects that could help improve the world. I worry about humanity.

So in case you forgot, I would like to remind you that I love you. There is so much to love. Goodnight lovelies. 

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