Tuesday, March 7, 2017

You are valuable, you are beautiful, you are a God

Today, I am happy to have such a beautiful life. There are so many people trying to change the world for a better place. There are more caring people out to make a difference. Change is refreshing. We often propagate the notion that each individual person is a tiny part of a system. We feel insignificant in this giant ant hill called Planet Earth.

I've mediated a lot on this issue in my life. How could someone like me, with such difficult mental issues, succeed in changing the world when a "normal" person can't? It felt more and more like I would never make a difference. Then I started practicing a sort of home made religion I like to call Religious Narcisism. After a few years of Spiritual Awakening, I came to define the religion based off 1 main principle and a few other personal additions.

     1) When faced with a decision, always choose the option that brings the most happiness, and least amount of pain over time.
     A) If someone needs help and it doesn't hurt you to help them, then do it.
     B) When you are happy, you are helping the world.
     C) No matter what happens in your life, if you love yourself then someone will always love you.

Imagine Happiness like gold you can fabricate from nothing. The more happiness there is in the world the richer we are. Pain, being the opposite of happiness, should be reduced as much as possible. The happiness and pain balance out and we have a surplus of Happiness. This is a progressive humanity. They work to solve problems. When thousands of human minds, Petrabytes of processing power, get together to tackle a problem we find quick solutions beneficial to our survival. In this way, we are all linked together like individual neurons touching each other to make connections with a network.

Whenever you are happy, you bring that seritonin into your network. And that happiness spreads. Different things can bring different levels of happiness into your life and these things should be a consideration when making decisions in your life.

The term narcisism is defined as: excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance. When you treat your body like a God you will feel empowered, loved, appreciated, and sexually verified. You will come to a level of acceptance for yourself and you will want to treat this beautiful person you love the way she deserves. You will naturally want to take better care for yourself because of this immense love that you feel for yourself.

And the best part comes when you realize the joy you have for you, extends out to touch others. You start loving them as much as you love yourself, and suddenly the world is not so heartless and here you are, making a difference. All because you chose to Love one person, yourself.

So don't think that you are small, you can carry more than you know and you are changing the world simply because you chose to be happy.

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